A picture with her son resulted in a year full of harassment and complaints – the boy’s mother sends a message

A picture with her son resulted in a year full of harassment and complaints – the boy’s mother sends a message

There are so many social pages where people are updated with the latest news, trends, and manage to keep in touch with loved ones in the distance. We are so sure that you have seen at least once those pictures with a message, meant to amuse us. These images are called “memes” and contain images that have gone viral, with celebrities, movie characters, or people caught in funny poses to which a relevant text is added … or not that relevant. A mother had many problems and was harassed after she added a picture of her son on the internet. She struggled a lot to delete that picture from the internet and her ambition paid off.

Her son, Jameson, is a 4-year-old boy who was born with Pfeiffer syndrome. This disease affects the physiognomy of the face and this was the main reason why so many people had fun. Pretty immature, isn’t it? The woman saw the image go viral and the texts added with a mischievous message, insulting Jameson. She couldn’t stand aside so she acted and did everything she could to remove those pictures from Facebook and then from another platform. Here is her message for those who laughed about her son:

“A year ago, I wrote an article whose main image was the face of my dear son who was covered in chocolate, smiling for the picture. Now that sweet picture is circulating on the internet. It’s just changed. Someone, somewhere, decided for who knows what reason, to take that picture and create a meme in which to compare my son with a dog of the mop breed. I have no chance of finding out who did this, but I will do everything in my power to ensure that anyone who distributes that image is forced to delete it.”

And so she did. Jameson’s mother made hundreds of complaints to remove those images. And in the end, she was successful. She continued and said:

“I could stand by and do nothing and tell myself that people are cruel and that this is the world we live in. But don’t take my picture to make fun of my baby. If you are going to laugh and share this meme, I think you should know exactly what you are sharing and why you are laughing. I would like to introduce you to the child you find so funny. His name is Jameson. He is very real and was born with Pfeiffer Syndrome.

What is this? I’m glad you’re asking. This disease is a craniofacial syndrome that includes premature skull fusion. The easiest way I could explain is that there is a genetic mutation in the gene that tells the tissue and its bones when to start growing, and when to stop. Because of this disease, children have breathing problems, cannot eat, have vision and hearing problems.”

The outraged mother also apologizes for not wanting to hurt anyone with her message. She went on to say that no one is making fun of her child. We should all be more tolerant and accept differences, this is what makes humans beautiful. Share this story with your friends and family!