Caitlin Stickels is 29 years old and has always been different since she was born.
Ever since she was little, she loved to make drawings and paintings and especially loved to spend a lot of time in the forest alone where she could afford to explore and study the nature around her. The girl explains: “I always needed to be creative. I was always introverted and independent, probably more independent than introverted. ”
When she was a child, Stickels was constantly tormented by people, but especially those her age made fun of her for the way she looked, which explains why she always preferred to spend more time alone.
She was always tormented by other children at school because she had what is called “Cat’s Eye Syndrome”, according to the OPHTHALMOLOGIST website, it can be characterized as follows: “More precisely, people with cat’s eye syndrome often have fissures of eyelids, wide distances between the eyes, deformed ears with abnormal growths of the skin and small depressions in front of the outer ear called preauricular pits, the absence of the anal canal with fistulas at the end of the large intestine in abnormal locations. Additional features may usually include variable heart defects, abnormal kidneys, bone defects, and other physical abnormalities. Cat’s eye syndrome is also called Schmid-Fraccaro syndrome.
Although Caitlin looked different from the others, she did not have the impression that the way she looked was very different from the unique features of other people.
Finally, encouraged by a friend, she posted some pictures of herself on Instagram, and one day someone asked her to collaborate with him on a project. Since then, this girl’s life has been defined by art and has begun to receive a lot of positive attention.
She confesses something that should become a motto for all of us: “I would like to see more acceptance among people. I would like to see more open hearts ”
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