These three vitamins increase the immunity and reduce the risk of disease

Vitamins are essential for the wellbeing of all organisms. Because of the big majority of vitamins cannot be produced by the organism, they should be taken from healthy and fresh foods. Given the importance of a strong immune system during this time when we face a higher risk of infection, we must be careful what and how much we consume. Vitamins and minerals have many roles in the organism, from strengthening and maintaining a healthy bone system to repairing damaged cells and wound healing. There are 13 vitamins that maintain the balance in your body and keep it effective, here are some of the most important vitamins that we suggest you to look for and include them in your meals.

Vitamin C is one of the most effective and safe nutrients and can keep diseases away. Many studies showed that this nutrient is maintaining the immune system and works as a mechanism that prevents the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body, due to the fact that it stimulates the production of type C lymphocytes that helps against potential enemies that might put the organism in danger. More than that, Vitamin C also works as an anti-oxidant, aiding skin health which is the first shield of the body. How much Vitamin C is recommended to consume per day? If you’re eating the required amount of veggies and fruits per day, you should be covered. A daily dose of 500 milligrams of Vitamin C is perfect, but don’t exceed 2,000 milligrams a day.

Beta carotene is a very good antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A and plays many roles in the organism. A good dose of Vitamin A makes the skin look better and stay healthy. If it’s consumed for a long time, it can also help with the cognitive function. For smokers, high doses of beta carotene reduce the risk of developing lung cancer, according to recent studies.

Foods with the highest source of carotene are broccoli, carrots, peas, apricots but also in spices like coriander, chili, paprika, and cayenne. If you combine these foods with avocado or olive oil the absorption rate increases. There is no required daily dose but as we mentioned before, it can be found in products that we consume every day mentioned previously.

Similar to Vitamin C, Vitamin E helps to keep the immune system young, improves vision, and its importance for brain and blood. There is no recommended daily dose to serve as this nutrient is found in meats, cereals, dairy, and also oils like olive or canola oil. It was proved that can help with some conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, delaying the progression for people that were diagnosed with it in mild stages.

Overall, it’s very important to consume Vitamins in moderate amounts so we can keep the organism healthy and running, especially in these times when the health is at more risk than before. Share this article with your friends and family and eat as many fresh fruits and veggies as possible!