A couple in the UK had an experience that radically changed their lives.

A couple in the UK had an experience that radically changed their lives.

The two wanted very much to become parents, but due to health problems, Rachelle could not get pregnant at all. After years and years of desperate trials, they decided to resort to fertility treatment.

The method paid off, and soon the woman learned that she was going to give birth to twins. But when she saw that her belly was swelling too much and very quickly, the future mother went for a check-up.

The news she received took her from ecstasy to agony. The doctor who monitored her told her that she was carrying three more souls in her womb, so a total of five children. At the same time, she had to abort these three, in order to increase the chances of survival of the other two babies.

With tears in her eyes, Rachelle refused and said she would not kill her children. She went to another doctor, who promised to do everything in his power to save them all.

But the surprises would not end here. On their birthday, everyone was amazed when they saw that the woman gave birth to not five, but seven children! Fortunately, the little ones were perfectly healthy and all developed correctly.