Dallas is an American TV series that premiered between 1978-1991. The action takes place in the Texan city of Dallas, in the center of the action appears the daily life of the “Ewing” family. The film is considered one of the most successful American “soap operas”. The series had 357 episodes, followed by three films. The music in the film’s credits, composed by Jerrold Immel, became famous.
Victoria Principal and Patrick Duffy remained in the audience’s memory thanks to the positive character roles they had in the Dallas series.
What happened to Victoria Principal more than 40 years after she left the series.
Victoria Principal (71 years old) played the role of Bobby Ewing’s wife from 1978 to 1987. Their love story reached everyone’s hearts, especially since it was so similar to that between Romeo and Juliet because here we have -to deal with two rival families and endless love. Pamela Ewing quickly became a fan favorite and was even nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance. After ten extremely successful seasons, he left the series for other projects.
The actress founded her own production company, Victoria Principal Productions, which has become a key player in the TV movie market.
After a brief marriage to Christopher Skinner, whom she met on the set of the Dallas series, Victoria lived a beautiful love story with Andy Gibb. She was 31, he was only 23, but the years did not stand in the way of their love. Everyone saw them as married, but the artist had a problem, drugs. Tired of promises, Victoria gave up the relationship.
Victoria moved on to another episode of her life and married plastic surgeon Harry Glassman. However, their story came to an end in December 2006, after 21 years.
What does the beloved actress look like now?
Actor Patrick Duffy was born on March 17, 1949, in the town of Montseny, Montana. In 1977, he was cast to star in NBC’s 13-episode miniseries “The Man from Atlantis.”
Starting the following year, the beloved American actor played the role of Bobby Ewing in the series “Dallas”, a film that made him famous and which was a huge success.
After Patrick left the show, audience figures dropped dramatically, so the filmmakers, led by its creator, David Jacobs, persuaded him to return a year later. The actor filmed for “Dallas” until 1991, when the project came to an end.
Between 1991 and 1998, she starred in the sitcom “Step by Step” on ABC, and then, for five years, between 2006 and 2011, she was cast as Stephen Logan in “Love and Power.”
In 2012, he resumed the role of Bobby Ewing in the sequel to the series “Dallas”, which was broadcast on TNT until 2014.
The death of his wife was not the only drama in the American actor’s life. The year 1986 brought a great tragedy in the life of Patrick Duffy. While already filming “Dallas” for eight years, Patrick received terrible news: his parents, Marie and Terence, had been murdered! On that fateful day of November 18, the two were butchered in the bar they owned in Boulder, Montana, during an armed robbery.
The perpetrators, teenagers Kenneth Miller and Sean Wentz, were sentenced to 75 years in prison, but the first was released on parole in 2007 and the second was released in 2015.
Bobby loves again.
Even though she is 72 years old, the “Dallas” star did not give up her love even after the death of his wife, with whom he was 34 years old. Carlyn Rosser died of cancer in 2017.
In an interview with Warner Bros.’s Extra show, Patrick Duffy said he fell in love with Linda since his first date with the 65-year-old actress in 2019, according to the Daily Mail.